Folding the Laundry

What if I could pretend that each tedious chore was actually a unique privilege?

I don’t enjoy folding laundry, especially the dreaded fitted sheets. But one day this week I caught myself silently complaining about it and chose not to follow that habitual line of thinking. What if folding the laundry was a very special opportunity?  Really, it is not so bad. It is soft and warm and smells good. I pulled the sheets from the dryer and fluffed them over my head. The waves on my son’s pirate sheets billowed and rippled, a soft warm sea.  I began to enjoy the look and feel of each fabric as it emerged from the dryer’s cozy cave. I looked closely at the toasty champagne gold of the sheets that I use on my own bed, as if meeting them for the first time.  How wonderful! How lucky I am to have a warm bed to sleep in with these clean sheets!  I smiled and finished folding without any more complaining.

I plan to experiment with taking this approach to other chores. This week’s drawings will serve as a reminder:

P.S. Anyone who wants to have pirate sheets too can get them from Olive Kids.